MoD 40th Anniversary Celebration
This Sunday, 30th July, Ruddington is marking the 40th anniversary of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) vacating the area of our village which is now home to the Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre and Rushcliffe Country Park.
The Mere Way site is holding a day of recollection via photographs, guided walks, artefacts and visiting ex military vehicles, some of which were originally sold at the Ruddington sales. Entry to this event is £2.00 per adult with children free. Due to the visiting vehicle exhibits, you’re advised there’ll only be limited onsite parking, so please walk there if you can.
The Barnwrights will be demonstrating their array of generators and pumping engines and are only too pleased to explain how they all work. The bus collection can be viewed and volunteers offer guided tours of the vehicles for those interested.
Also this Sunday, the Ruddington Model Railway Club (RMRC) will be operating its layouts to compliment the MoD 40th anniversary event. This includes another ‘Take Control!’ opportunity on their outdoor island layout from 10.30am until 4.00pm. If you ever dreamed of being a train driver when you were young, or you have kids who would love to do so, don’t miss the chance to operate Thomas, James and Percy yourself on their outdoor ‘G Scale’ track for five minutes for just £2! It will help them raise final funds.
In the event of bad weather, RMRC says it will endeavour to offer a driving experience on its indoor Thomas layout instead. Also weather permitting, the miniature trains will also be offering rides along their extended track.
As usual, The Heritage Cafe onsite will be serving hot meals, snacks and drinks and the Bric-a-Brac Emporium will also be open offering a wide range of goods.
Nottingham Transport Heritage Centre is off Mere Way, Ruddington, NG11 6JS, and open every Saturday and Sunday throughout the summer from 10.00am through to 16.00pm.

Any updates about these events should appear on the NTHC Facebook page >>HERE<< and RMRC Facebook page >>HERE<< . Please note that still no ‘big’ trains are operating passenger services from this site.
Disclaimer: RUDDINGTON.info publish all diary events in good faith and can’t be held responsible for any changes or cancellations of the activity. We run our calendar as a community service and details were correct at the time we promoted them, so advise you to contact the organiser before attending. Thanks.